Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Mantra of Perfect Couples

They embrace each other’s imperfections and overlook each other’s flaws and disabilities.  They are compatible because they don’t hesitate to make compromises and adjustments. They are emotionally and physically satisfied with each other
They cherish and value each other and just stick together firmly no matter what life throws at them If there are arguments they try to resolve their differences and try to work things out. If they hurt each other they wait till they
can forgive each other and things are good again. If they have terrible fights and they have to stay away for a while they wait till they can get close again.
They have an extraordinary passion to make their relationship work with maturity, understanding, commitment and unconditional love. They never give up on each other no matter what because they are determined to last till eternity.

I Want to Leave Behind a Legacy of Love

I’ve always wondered what people will think and say about me when I die.
I don’t want to be remembered as someone who was born to live an ordinary life and quietly left the world to be forgotten. I don’t even want to be remembered as a
person who lived a rich and glamorous life. Neither will I be leaving any castles or monuments built in my name nor will I leave any treasure or a huge bank
balance to be inherited by my grand-children when I am gone. I just want to be remembered as someone who was loving, caring, kind hearted and compassionate. I want to be remembered as someone who loved life and lived it to the fullest despite all odds in my life. I don’t want people to remember me as someone who had a beautiful face or a great body but as someone who had a
good soul. I want to leave behind
footprints of my love in the hearts of people who were with me in my beautiful journey called LIFE. I want to leave behind a legacy of love... So God help me.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Wise Up!

When you're sick and tired of learning the same lessons over and over, you'll stop
enrolling in the same courses over andover.

If you're experiencing same kinds of bad experiences in your life, over and over and over again, it's not a coincidence. It's not bad luck, it's not that you're unlucky in life, it's not a punishment from God, it's not that others keep doing these things to you, and it's not you're just not meant to be happy and that you're destined for misery, abuse, mistreatment, disrespect, failure, poverty and loneliness.

What it is, is that you keep putting yourself in the same situations with the same kinds of people, in the same places that bring you the same old thing. You're almost just asking for what you've been getting. If you like what you're getting and it's working well for you, keep doing what you're doing. If you don't like what you're
getting, it's time for a you.

Stop taking the classes that are teaching you the same lousy lessons. Stop going to class with the same kinds of people that
will only teach you the lessons you don't want or need anymore. You only need the lessons repeated if you didn't learn the
first time and you failed to put the lessons into practice in your life after you were presented the lesson. When you've learned, and you're certain that you've learned and when you know exactly what
you've learned, you will have the wisdom, strength and confidence to decline any person, place or thing that is guaranteed to teach you the same things you already

Be more selective. Be more discriminating. Say "no" to what you know isn't going to
work any better than the last time. Say "yes" only to what shows promise of bringing you experiences you'll enjoy and that you want. Cut your losses, and you'll have more gains than losses. When you get the feeling that someone or something isn't
going to work to your advantage, in favor of your happiness and wellbeing, withdraw from the class immediately. Be more
interested in the quality than quantity.

Raise your the quality of personal
standards, raise the quality of your own opinion of yourself and what you deserve in life, and you'll raise the quality of your
results. Don't willingly enroll in anything less than you want and deserve, and don't ever enroll yourself in misery-making.
Learn to be happy, not unhappy.

Stop Hiding

Stop hiding and just be yourself, just as you are. Don't hide in an "I'm fine" shell when you're not fine. Don't pretend to be
anything that you're not, thinking that people won't like you as you really are, if you show yourself honestly. If some people don't like you, so what? It doesn't
make you any less of a person and it doesn't make others any better than you if
they don't like you when you're just being yourself. To be honest, I admit that I've never really liked anyone who didn't like me. It's OK to not like some people, and
it's OK that some people don't like you. The people in your life who like you just as you are, they are the ones who are
important to you. Those who don't like you aren't worth putting on a show for anyway.