Monday, August 12, 2013

Stop Hiding

Stop hiding and just be yourself, just as you are. Don't hide in an "I'm fine" shell when you're not fine. Don't pretend to be
anything that you're not, thinking that people won't like you as you really are, if you show yourself honestly. If some people don't like you, so what? It doesn't
make you any less of a person and it doesn't make others any better than you if
they don't like you when you're just being yourself. To be honest, I admit that I've never really liked anyone who didn't like me. It's OK to not like some people, and
it's OK that some people don't like you. The people in your life who like you just as you are, they are the ones who are
important to you. Those who don't like you aren't worth putting on a show for anyway.

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