Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Due to the recent passing of Freedom fighter and Conqueror Nelson Mandela, there have been a lot of talks and showcase about his struggle as well as South Africans. Before to me apartheid was a history lesson, something mentioned in perhaps our social studies books, but now hearing the story told over and over I understand it was the lives of people like you and me being stunted, gagged, choked, sat on, stepped on, spat on..... how dare someone who eats and (excuse me) s***s, like you make you feel inferior and worst of all on your own brown dusty earth, the soil of your own fathers... Apartheid was more than segregation it was evil from the very pits of darkness. Many fought and many took their stance but one man lead I guess that's why today we mourning, to give oneself and of ones self freely and willing but definitely not easily but to do it any way???? We can only hope or I can only hope, in fact I hopefully believe, that we have Mandelas in our generation (including my humble self), those who can deny self, in accordance to the will of God and for the love of one another to do what has to be done, to do right....

I just keep thinking of each life it must have affected or infected, the childhoods it maimed, the lover birds it shot down, the empire building minds it deny room to develop, the great minds of science and art that just couldn't...

We thank God for change, lets not mess it up now, but the right to be free dier, if our God on high has blessed us with such, dare no man, mortal being, homo sapiens take it away. (except rightfully within the confines of the law that governs us, lol)

So Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, Rest in peace in the bosom of our Maker. AMEN.

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