Monday, December 2, 2013


When I became a man
I put away childish things 
But before I became a man 
I didn't always fit the shoes of a King
I was a child trying to find his way 
The toys I played with kept my eyes occupied 
And left my eyes in a lustful boyish frenzy

Before I became a man 
I saw how God made Adam from dust
So likewise I tried to make love out of lust
I didn't know any better
I was taught by example 
“Let your mouth spit game, but never let your heart say much, ” 
I treated his daughter like a beauty pageant contestant..."sorry"
There seemed to be zero return on her investments
Proverbs 31 was never a criterion for my selection
Keep in mind this was before I became a man

Before I became a man 
I would unlock my curse and throw away the key
I allowed anger to set up a construction company inside
Bitterness never rested
It left no time wasted
Whether Father loved me or not
All I could regurgitate was hatred
I became allergic to showing any form of compassion

Before I became a man 
I was much shorter
Not just in height but in spiritual insight
Because I never had a picture
Nor did 'Universal Pictures' ever have a film 
Showing me what God’s man really looked like

But when I became man
Oh, When I became a man
I learned how to love Father God right back
Even though I’m good at falling short of the glory
I reflect on my story
Through my praise I’ll self publish a testimony

When I became a man 
I learned how to cry
Because I’m not ashamed of my tears
Since I became a man 
I’m not longer afraid of the dark
I’ll wrap my hands around James 5: 16
Confess, Pray, and Heal my Heart
I have discovered something 
That there are medicinal qualities 
Right down the corridor of introspection

When I became a man 
I learned how to love her
My Esther, My Ruth
I learned how to honor her like she was Jesus’ mother
Because one day she’ll be pregnant 
With the seed that will transport my legacy
So that my God and my name will both have longevity 
Even after they bury me

I could not love her before 
Because I was not able
My insecurities and my perfectionism had me 
Looking in on the next best player 
That was checking in at the scorer’s table
How could I possibly be her covering? 
When I was an umbrella with holes in it
But I learned to love her like I ought to
Because I want Him to be my Father and my Father-in-law
Since that’s his daughter

When I became a man 
I learned to love my brother
I’ll share my heart, my hug and my hallelujah
Because a hug and a hallelujah without my heart 
Leaves room for his spirit to respond with “I never knew you”
I became a man so that when he became a man 
He would know a man 
Who picked up the gospel and put the toys away

When I became a man 
                                                                                        Agbesi Courage Enam

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